Best Vic Falls activities: 9. See Victoria Falls Bridge from a steam train

When Cecil John Rhodes dreamed of building a railway from Cape Town to Cairo, the bridge over the Zambezi river was a key part of this plan. He wanted the bridge to be so close to Victoria Falls that passengers could feel the spray on their faces as they crossed the gorge. He personally oversaw the bridge planning, but died before he was able to see his vision fulfilled, when it was officially opened in 1905 by Charles Darwin’s son.

Victoria Falls steam train

The Victoria Falls Bridge isn’t just another steel structure: it was built to frame and complement the majesty of the Zambezi gorge, and doesn’t disappoint.

Experience the bridge the way its designers envisaged: in a steam train. The Victoria Falls Steam Train Company has a number of journey options, depending on your budget and time. Most journeys include a stop on the bridge to enjoy the view.

Photo courtesy of Victoria Falls Steam Train Company

The steam train is our Number 9 of Things to do in Victoria Falls

Steam train options:

  • The Sunset Bridge Run: Cost: Approx. US $80 per person. First class ticket including a glass of champagne, all drinks & gourmet canapés. Duration: 2 hours. The train starts at Victoria Falls station opposite Victoria Falls Hotel.
  • Zambezi Lager Party Express: Cost: Approx. US $40 per person. Second class standing ticket for Carriage 264, the historical baggage van. Includes all local drinks; capacity 50 people.
  • The Moonlight Dinner Run: Cost: Approx. US $170 per person. Includes sundowners on the bridge, then a journey to the Zambezi National Park. Here you’ll be served a three-course African-themed dinner under the African sky. Champagne and all drinks included
  • The African Safari Dinner Run: Cost: Approx. US $165 per person. Includes a Sunset Bridge Run, three-course dinner, champagne and all drinks.
  • Bushtracks Express Steam Train: This is a five-star pre-dinner activity that runs on Tuesdays and Fridays from approximately 4pm to 7pm. Cost not currently advertised on their website. This journey is provided by Bushtracks Africa.
  • Schedule: Most trips depart daily except where stated above.
  • Practical info: Please bring your passport to go on the bridge.
  • Is it family friendly?: Children will enjoy going on the steam train and seeing the view but bear in mind the duration of some of the trips.

Tram bridge tours are also available:

  • Morning tram tour: Cost: Approx. US $60. Starts from Victoria Falls Hotel where you’ll walk the short distance down to the tram, where you’ll be greeted with refreshments. The tram goes through Victoria Falls town, then through African bush, past the rainforest, to the Victoria Falls Bridge. Walk around the bridge, hear stories about its perilous construction, and even walk under the bridge itself. Why not add on a bungee jump, have lunch at the bridge cafe, or take a tour of the rainforest while you’re here? Departs daily at 10am, duration: about 2.5 hours.
  • Sunset tram tour: Starts from Victoria Falls Hotel where you’ll walk the short distance down to the tram, where you’ll be greeted with refreshments. The tram goes through Victoria Falls town, then through African bush, past the rainforest, to the Victoria Falls Bridge. Walk around the bridge and watch heart-stopping stunt jumping by the Bungee Flying Squad. Includes champagne at the bridge information centre, as well as a short theatrical rendition of the history of the bridge. Thrill-seekers inspired by the stunt jumpers can add on a bungee jump. Departs daily at 4.30pm, duration: about 2 hours.
  • Please bring your passport to go on the bridge.

 Useful information:

  • Book with your tour company, accommodation, or with the Shearwater/Wild Horizons office in Victoria Falls.
  • Watch a video history about the Victoria Falls Bridge.
  • Remember your passport.

Next: Go on a mini safari: Number 10 of things to do in Victoria Falls.

Victoria Falls bridge

Photo courtesy of Victoria Falls Steam Train Company

Follow Beth (Travel Editor/Writer):

Beth is the founder of Great Zimbabwe Guide Travel Blog: Zimbabwe’s first and longest-running independent online travel guide, created in 2010.

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