Our Victoria Falls gorge swing and adventure slide

Wild Horizons gorge swing-1-2The Gorge Swing and Zipline are part of Victoria Falls’ hard-core adrenalin activities, with a similar fear factor to bungee jumping and white-water rafting. Wild Horizons operates a number of adventure slides, but these two activities in particular are the ultimate lose-your-stomach experiences.

If you feel like building up your adrenalin levels, start with the (slightly) less crazy Zipline and then progress to the Gorge Swing. The Zipline is like going on a rollercoaster with no seat, but the Gorge Swing is like jumping off a skyscraper.

The Zipline

The essence of the Zipline is in its speed: 106 km/h (66 mph) to be precise. At a distance of 425 metres, it’s longer than a standard quarter-mile drag race; and at a height of 120 metres (394 feet) over the Zambezi River, I’d argue that it’s more terrifying, too.
After you’ve done the speedy descent, you rock back and forth for a few minutes which allows you to enjoy the view, and then a handler slides towards you and a pulley brings you both back to the base.
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The Gorge Swing

The word “swing” gives the impression that this is a grown-up version of a playground activity, which it is, in a sense. However, this swing is secured to a cable across a 120-metre ravine, and involves a 70-metre (230-foot) freefall, transforming it into something else altogether. Some call it terrifying, some call it thrilling. Some call it both. You can choose to do your freefall backwards, forwards, or even upside-down, for a whole new perspective of the Zambezi River.
My gutsy friends loved their experiences over the gorge, and I enjoyed cheering them on (I did the Zipline last year and was happy for it to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience).
Here are some stills from Juan’s Gorge Swing:
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Here’s a video of Lau’s Gorge Swing in action…

To book these activities contact Wild Horizons

This post is proudly sponsored by Wild Horizons. Sponsored posts are written with the understanding that the writer can express her opinions honestly and openly.

Wild Horizons is a ‘one-stop’ ground handling & activity provider based in Victoria Falls, Livingstone and Chobe. Wild Horizons offers a range of tours, transfers and activities including Rafting, Canoeing, Elephant Back Safaris, High Wire Activities, Lion Encounters, Helicopter Flips & our lodges: Imbabala Zambezi Safari Lodge and The Elephant Camp.
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Victoria Falls Gorge SwingSee more things to do in Victoria Falls.

Part of the Classic Zimbabwe holiday series. Read the next post where we see Victoria Falls from a bird’s eye view: Our Helicopter ride over Victoria Falls.

Follow Beth (Travel Editor/Writer):

Beth is the founder of Great Zimbabwe Guide Travel Blog: Zimbabwe’s first and longest-running independent online travel guide, created in 2010.

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