Appeal to preserve Mana Pools National Park

Save mana pools Mana Pools National Park: One of the last true places to experience wildlife without the barriers of human development.

Unfortunately, a building work has started in the park despite warnings from ecologists and conservationists.

A new safari lodge is under construction and the developers seem to have little awareness of the needs of the area. The lodge will possibly necessitate heavy-duty trucks in the park, as well as septic tanks which have the potential to pollute the Zambezi River, and too much concrete and footfall for the land to handle. The unique drawcard of Mana Pools – its wilderness – is being eroded.

An urgent appeal to save Mana Pools is taking the internet by storm. David Coltart, an MDC member of Parliament in Zimbabwe, is going to present the matter in cabinet in an effort to save the area. I have written to the Zimbabwe Environment Management Agency as well as UNESCO to appeal for the revocation of the license of the new lodge.

Public pressure will make a difference to show the authorities that visitors to Zimbabwe are invested in the good management of this unique area.

Here’s how you can help:

1. Sign the online petition – it really is a short process and can make a difference. (If you are on AVAAZ there is also a petition here.)

2. Join the Facebook group to help increase online exposure of the issue, so that more people can help.

3. Tell your friends!

3. Write an email to the addresses below to appeal for the sustainable management of Mana Pools National Park.

To: The Director, Environmental Protection, Environmental Management Agency, Zimbabwe | Director-General, Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Management; Mr K Rao, Director, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris | Ms N Raondry, Regional Man & Biosphere (MAB) Co-ordinator, UNESCO Regional Science Office for Africa | Secretary-General, Zimbabwe National Commission for UNESCO

Email addresses: [email protected],  [email protected],  [email protected],  [email protected],  [email protected],  [email protected]

Follow Beth (Travel Editor/Writer):

Beth is the founder of Great Zimbabwe Guide Travel Blog: Zimbabwe’s first and longest-running independent online travel guide, created in 2010.

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